Tips For Starting New Year’s Resolutions

2015. Typing this number I cannot believe another year is here. As each New Year’s approaches, I look back at all the things that happened in the last 365 days. Did you stick to your goals? Did you forget about one? Well even if you didn’t follow through on all of them, here is another chance to make them happen.

I am far from a perfect person, I fail at goals all the time. But that doesn’t mean I don’t try to do my best and continue to work at them.  I mentioned in a recent video I am not a big New Year’s Resolution fan. I think making goals, setting them, sticking to it and constantly working hard are all things that should be a part of every day life. I don’t need to wait until January 1 to eat healthier or start on a new project. But I do like reflecting back on my past year and seeing what I would like to accomplish next.

So if January 1st is what you need to get your ass in gear, then great! Last year on New Year’s Day, I told my girlfriend my goals for the year. She is a business owner and her best piece of advice was just to do it. She told me, just start! You never know where you will be after you just begin. And on February 1st 2014, I launched my blog.

Now that you know just to start whatever it is to work on those resolutions, how else can you stick to them?

  • Make realistic goals and set small steps to achieving them so it doesn’t seem impossible
    • example if you want to lose 10 pounds, work for 2 at a time and reward yourself when you reach the smaller goal
    • the more of these smaller goals you can reward yourself for, use as motivation to reach the next goal
  • Keep your goals simple, instead of piling on 20 resolutions for January focus on one thing or area you want to improve on
  • Set specific goals
    • If you want to “be healthier” instead of a broad lifestyle change commit to running two days a week so you know exactly what you need to do
  • Pick a goal that YOU want not what someone else wants for you and you will be more likely to succeed
    • If someone is telling you to stop smoking or work out more or call more often, you probably won’t do it if you feel the nagging from someone else
    • It will be easier to follow through with resolutions if it is something you are actually motivated to work on
  • Find someone to work on them with you
    • I have been trying to be better about working out consistently, my best friend has been a part of this
    • We committed to working out together at least twice a week. This has helped keep the other one motivated when we don’t feel like going or want to skip a class

I hope some of these tips will help you achieve whatever you desire! And just remember, no goal, dream or resolution is too big or too small. Cheers to a better you in 2015!

P.S. If you are a blogger, Melyssa of The Nectar Creative who designed my blog has a free printable of blog goals for 2015. It’s so pretty!

What are your New Year’s Resolutions? Comment and let me know!

Also need some help picking out some ideas? Use this as a starting point!

9 Responses to Tips For Starting New Year’s Resolutions

  1. These are some great tips, especially about setting goals for yourself and not other people. This year my goals are to plan my time with a weekly schedule so that I can hand in all my school work on the due date, and to blog consistently once a week (I know that’s not very much but I just started). xx

  2. This is super helpful. I connect with you when it comes to setting your goals daily instead of at the “beginning of the year”. A few of my goals are to keep up my blog and post more often, “say no” to things that i don’t genuinely believe in or want to do, and work out 4-5x a week.

    Thanks for sharing yours Mar.


  3. Could you do an updated fitness and diet post? I noticed on snapchat that you are currently trying to lose some weight! It would be really helpful as I am having trouble especialy after the holidays. xx

  4. Really great post Marianna! I LOVE these printables! I def needed these! Lol My goal this year is to start my food blog…I attempted to last year, but was overwhelmed and confused on what to do, and how to keep it interesting. But as you said, ‘m just going to start! That link above on blogging goals really helped motivate me as well! Thanks! :)

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