Category Archives: Health

Swish Yourself To Health

We can maintain a healthy body in various ways. Eat the right foods, work out but did you that maintaining your oral health is just as important to your overall well-being?

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Well, I didn’t know it was that important either until I traveled to Charlotte, North Carolina with Crest Pro-Health. While traveling, I learned from Dr. Travis Stork, from the Bachelor and The Doctors TV show, that a healthy mouth is linked to a healthy body.

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One thing that drives me crazy is plaque between your teeth. This is caused by not flossing properly and this forms tartar build up.  Tartar is a hardened plaque substance which cannot be brushed away and forms when the minerals from saliva deposit and harden within plaque and what can prevent this from happening, is to use Crest Pro-Health Tartar Protection Rinse.  To help from this forming, you need to use mouth wash and Crest Pro-Health Tartar Protection Rinse is the only mouth wash to help against tartar build up and cavities. And don’t worry, even though it is strong enough to get rid of tartar, it’s still safe for your enamel .. in fact it helps to strengthen it.

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We went to the Diva Dash race early that morning so I started out with some coffee. After my morning coffee, I brushed my teeth and swished around some mouth wash to help fight against unwanted surface stains as well as freshen my breath, since I was talking to people all day!


I really am obsessed with brushing, flossing, mouthwash and white strips. So enjoy some photos and be sure to take care of your health … starting with your mouth!

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Post in collaboration with Crest Pro-Health Mouthwash.


21 New Smoothie Recipes

marianna hewitt smoothie challenge very berry recipe cucumber strawberry blueberry ginger almond milk

Smoothies and juices are a great way to get a ton of fruits and veggies into your body without having to eat huge salads all day long. But which ones actually taste good?

Well, I’m trying out a new recipe everyday for 21 days and will post a photo, recipe and honest review on what is worth making and which ones can be skipped over. Everyday, I will update this post with a new recipe so check back daily for updates.

For all of these recipes, I am using a Nutribullet blender that I got from Bed Bath and Beyond. It is the best $99 I have ever spent in my life and I encourage everyone to buy one because you will become as addicted as me. Click here to check it out & buy.

Please note: for the recipes, I generally do 50% of a vegetable, then fill the rest and use the liquid line in the nutribullet cup. Feel free to experiment with the proportions! This is what is so fun about cooking or making things yourself, they can be whatever you want. So if I don’t have a measurement, this is why.



marianna hewitt smoothie recipe

Pineapple Dream

  • green leaf lettuce
  • frozen pinapple
  • mint leaves
  • juice of 1/2 lime
  • coconut water

Green leaf lettuce is really easy to digest instead of using something like kale, which really can clean out your system if you aren’t used to it. So this is a great beginner smoothie using greens. This type of lettuce is also high in water so this turned out more like a juice than a smoothie because the lettuce was very watery. If you want to to be more like a smoothie, be sure to use frozen pineapple and even add in some ice. But the good thing about it being so high in water was that it is really hydrating. This was very refreshing because of the mint and lime. The strong taste of the pineapple took over the lettuce so you couldn’t even taste it. This is a great summer drink that tasted GREAT! RECOMMENDATION: MAKE IT!

Day 2

marianna hewitt smoothie challenge very berry recipe cucumber strawberry blueberry ginger almond milk

Very Berry Smoothie

  • frozen blueberries
  • fresh strawberries
  • 1/2 cucumber
  • ginger (optional if you don’t like ginger)
  • vanilla almond milk

This berry smoothie is great for kids or if you don’t like veggies either. Cucumer is great because they have a lot of water so just like the last smoothie, it is hydrating to your body. The taste of cucumbers are so faint, you will hardly taste the veggies mixed in with these yummy berries. If you want it to be more like a smoothie, use all frozen fruits and add in some ice cubes to make it thicker. RECOMMENDATION: Make it but switch the vanilla almond milk for regular and use less ginger

Day 3

marianna hewitt smoothie recipe bananna bok choy mint cococnut water

Stomach Soothing Bananna Smoothie

  • bananna
  • baby bok choy
  • ginger
  • mint
  • chia seeds
  • coconut water

Smoothies can help with lots of health problems like times when you have an upset stomach. Bananas are perfect for tummy aches so this smoothie is really good for your digestive system. Ginger also aids in digestion and is something I often add to smoothies or teas to feel better instantly. The only think I didn’t like about this smoothie was the taste of the bok choy. I would switch it with a green leaf lettuce or some cucumber instead so the taste isn’t as strong. Recommendation: its ok, just switch the bok choy for a different green

Day 4


Mango Mint Smoothie

  • frozen mango
  • cucumber
  • mint
  • ginger
  • coconut water

This was truly a smoothie because I used so much frozen mango so I liked this slushy texture. Mango helps aid in digestion as well as mint and ginger. Mango Mint tastes refreshing, cooling and even though it is green you don’t taste any veggies. RECOMMENDATION: make it!

Day 5


Berry Banana Energizing Smoothie

  • frozen banana
  • frozen blueberries
  • green leaf lettuce
  • mint
  • flax seed oil
  • coconut water

You need some sort of sugars for your body, but instead of eating candy … get the good kind from your fruits and veggies which will help girl you energy. I’ve also added in some flax seed oil into this smoothie, which I regularly do, and this is to add in some omega 3 fatty acids (the good fats!) It tastes great, the frozen fruits made it more of a smoothie texture and the color is really pretty! RECOMMENDATION: MAKE IT!

Check back soon and I will resume this post with Day 6’s new recipe, bookmark this page to easily find!

all photos by Marianna Hewitt

Burn 600 Calories in 30 Minutes

Marianna Hewitt beauty Blogger fitness the sweatshop la infrared sauna review

Sweating sounds gross, but if you can burn all the calories you ate today … why wouldn’t you do it?

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I have been a big fan of saunas for years. I prefer them over steam rooms and I don’t mind the heat. I max could stay in a traditional sauna for 20 minutes then my time was up. But then, I tried an infrared sauna and was hooked.

Now you may wonder, what is the difference? Well I will explain but as soon as you stay in one for a good amount of time, you can really feel the difference and you can feel that you will be able to handle the heat a lot longer in the infrared sauna.

  • Instead of coals heating up the sauna,  heat comes from panels in the wall
  • They aren’t hot to touch so you sit closer to them
  • This type of heat penetrates into your body and makes you sweat from the inside out

I prefer infrared saunas over traditional saunas and here are some of the benefits

  • The heat stimulates our fat cells to detox your body
  • Gets rid of muscle aches and pains
  • Weight loss because as your body is heating it, it is working to cool  you down and you can burn 600 calories in 30 minutes
  • Reduce cellulite
  • Deep Detoxification
  • Increase metabolism
  • Reduce bloating
  • Improve skin quality and tone (fight acne)
  • Improve immune system
  • Stress reduction and relaxation

Now that you know what it is and the benefits, here is a review from a recent trip I took to The Sweatshop in Los Angeles. Click here to see their location and services.

This is not a sponsored post. I went as a guest and paid for this myself. 

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This shop is located in Hollywood and is next door to a vegan restaurant. Before my session, I stopped by to get vegan lasagna, a smoothie and an alkalizer drink. Before you head into a sauna session, be sure to eat something and drink water.

I arrived a few minutes early and you make appointments for a 1 hour block. The receptionist walks you back into your own little room where you have the sauna, a shower, meditation cds and a big jug of water.

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Now that you are in the room, you get undressed and sit in the sauna on a towel and take in your water with you, but leave your phone outside or it will overheat.

At first it just starts to feel warm and then you will start to sweat. Try and relax, breathe and drink water. For me, this isn’t too hard for the first 15ish minutes.

I personally like to go when I feel a little bloated and want to sweat, after a few days of drinking and want to detox my body or when I feel myself getting sick and just want to drink tons of water and clear out my system. I feel so good after I leave that it is worth being hot and sweaty for 40min.

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If I start to get too hot, I’ll drink some water or open the door for a moment to get some air then quickly close the door again. In total, you will stay in for about 30-40 Minutes. The heat isn’t unbearable at all. It feels like a really really hot summer day but without humidity. Drinking water helps a lot and it really is a time to just relax and as you sweat you start to feel better physically.

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You can see here, I get really really sweaty by the end of this and when you get out you can tell your skin is pink but feels soooooo soft like a baby. When you start to breathe and you cool down, you feel so refreshed and that feeling is really addicting.

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This is perfect if you feel like you want to drop bloat quickly, they also offer some shots that you can get there that help to dissolve fat.  This really is so good for you, even if you aren’t looking for weight loss but just a way to detox.

I can’t quite explain how I feel after a session but it is almost like you went on a run. I feel at ease, my muscles are relaxed, my skin feels so soft and it makes me want to eat and drink better following a sweat session. Ideally, I would go twice a week if I had the time and I would 100% recommend this treatment to anyone.

If you want to check them out, Click Here to visit The Sweatshop LA and make an appointment. Let me know how you felt!

Morning Hikes to Clear Your Mind

If you are lucky enough to live in a place with hiking trails, it really is one of my favorite ways to get some exercise.

I’ve said before in a previous post that I don’t really enjoy working out. But one of the things I like to do is go for a nice hike.

In Los Angeles, there is a place called Runyon Canyon. It actually is kind of scene-y so I really don’t like going on weekends or later in the day when it is packed or full of people.

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But my favorite time to go is right when the sun rises, it is cool, empty and best of all I can find parking.

I really enjoy going, because there are so many benefits to this and when I go at 6am it really clears my mind.

  • Because hiking is a weight-bearing exercise — you’re moving against gravity while staying upright — it boosts bone density and helps combat osteoporosis
  • Hiking is also good for muscle strength. The activity targets your glutes, quadriceps, hamstrings, hip flexors, and lower leg muscles
  • It works your shoulders, strengthens your core, and improves balance.
  • And hiking can help you control your weight
  • It’s also a powerful mood booster. “Research shows that hiking has a positive impact on combating the symptoms of stress and anxiety,” says Gregory A. Miller, PhD, president of the American Hiking Society

You can see on the Nike+ app the route that I walk. Now I walk, not run, when I go here. I take my time and it takes me about an hour to do 3.5-4 miles. Here I am using the Nike+ app, you can download it and it tracks your workouts using GPS. 

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I walk up the left side first and go all the way to the top. Then I come back down and where it splits, I go down the other way, not the way that I came up. So when I’m finished, I’ve pretty much done an entire circle plus some.

If you don’t hike or think it is too hard, there is an easy route to take. When you head there, take a look at the map and just pace yourself. There are elderly and pregnant people walking it all the time, if they can do it you can too.


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You get in about an hour of cardio while toning your legs because you are walking at an incline and some points are pretty steep. The next day I can totally feel it in my legs. Plus it is a great alternative to working out indoors or running in place.

If you are in Los Angeles or visiting I would try this out. It is fun to go with friends to talk it makes the time pass by but for me, I prefer to go alone. It really makes me feel good after and the view from the top is beautiful.


Layering is Hard When You’re Curvy

The Sixties were all about the shift dresses, the Seventies were all about caftans, the Eighties were an ode to power dressing and volume. The 90′s centered around all things “retro” but which of today’s trends will be our signature? Which will last the test of time?

Eh, probably the high/low mix, sporty chic, that dreadful “Im a little teapot” blogger stance, and oh yeah, LAYERING. Evvvvvvverybody loves layering, right? Stepppppp right up and get your layering! Jenna Lyons approved, blogger endorsed, more-is-more layering. But… I don’t do layering.

Read the rest here at

This post is written by Jascmeen Bush from head to her site to read the full story. 

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