Happy Birthday La La Mer

I’ve always been a lover of many things. I’m a product junkie, fashion addict, avid traveler and amateur photographer. On February 1, 2014 I took my love of these things and turned it into La La Mer and launched my lifestyle blog. I can’t believe that something I started a year ago today as a hobby, has blossomed into my full time job.

A year ago, I really had no idea what I was doing but I took my genuine love for sharing the things that make me happy and turned it into a place where I (hope to) inspire others to travel more, learn a new makeup trick to make you feel more beautiful, find a new item to add to your closet to boost your confidence or watch a video that makes you laugh.

La La Mer is more than just a blog, you guys reading and watching my videos have become my online family and friends and I appreciate your support more than you will ever know. With each comment, I smile, giggle and sometimes cry a little (womp womp) at all of your support.

Thank you for coming with me on this journey the last year and I can’t wait to show you so much more in the next year and beyond. You guys are so awesome and this site is nothing without your love.



14 Responses to Happy Birthday La La Mer

  1. You are kidding? Your blog is only 1 year old? It is fabulous and seems very professional! Congrats to you my dear- you are doing wonderful! xoxo, Sissi

  2. Marianna, I started reading your blog because I saw that your name is Marianna (mine is Mariana) and because I was looking for inspiration. I follow your blog now and I really enjoy it. You have such a generous spirit that I see in how you share in videos and posts. I loved the video about real life vs online life… loved it. I wish lalamer many great years ahead. I pray for the same success when my blog is up.

  3. Happy birthday La La Mer! I’ve been following your blog since the beginning, and I can’t believe its been 1 year! I’m not one to comment much, but I do love and follow your blog faithfully! Thank you for sharing your fashion and beauty tips and all things pretty! Cheers La La Mer :)

  4. I started following you about two years ago after r running into you on twitter via following rob kardashian. I fell on live with the lifestyle.. Travel..beauty…food…fashion..and last but not least FAMILY.. xoxo

  5. HAPPY BIRTHDAY LALAMER!!!! Look how far you’ve come in only a year!!! You’re an inspiration! You prove that with hard work, determination, and passion anything is achievable!!! Cheers!

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