Luxury For Less

I love designer bags. I think they are an investment piece and that a great bag will make any outfit. But buying brand new bags can get expensive, but Trendlee is an online retailer that has luxury pre-owned bags that are perfect to stay on trend without spending all that money in your new designer wallet.

 I picked up this Fendi peekaboo bag  that looks brand new and all the bags from the site are in great condition and guaranteed to be authentic plus you can return bags within 7 days, so it takes out all the nervous-ness from buying bags online.

I took my bag out the first day I got it to a temporary art installation in Silver Lake. It is the Sunset Pacific Hotel painted by French artist Vincent Lamouroux and the all white hotel and palm trees are so striking, despite their lack of color. If you are in Los Angeles, I would for sure stop by before it disappears in two weeks.

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