Online Life vs Real Life & Learning To Disconnect

In a world full of face tune, filters, perfect lighting and a perfect caption … what you see on the internet is far from real life. The content bloggers, social media gurus and even regular girls create are just the image we want to portray to others but don’t think this is real life. Disclaimer: If you are just here for a beauty tutorial, feel free to skip this post. But I wanted to share something a little more personal and relevant than my typical how to or outfit pictures. I won’t be offended!

I am so thankful and grateful for all of the support, love and comments I get on my pictures, blog and youtube. They really make my day but I am far from perfect. There are apps to remove a blemish, or make yourself thinner. I take 20 pictures just to find one good one and it has to be in the perfect lighting and an outfit I like but this isn’t who I am 24/7.

If you ever run into me, you more than likely will see me with my hair in a bun, no makeup and some gym clothes on. And this isn’t just me … this is so many other women too! Naturally, we want to put our best face forward but all of us have flaws and that makes us all wonderful. So don’t think I wish I looked like you, or aspire to look like someone else. Learn to love who YOU are and how YOU look.

Often, many people who appear “perfect” online are the most insecure people in real life. I don’t really have a point to what I am writing I just wanted to share my opinion or thoughts on online life vs. real life. Because as much as I share on my blog and to social media, there is so much I keep private and that I choose not to post. I think with blogging being my full-time job, you have to keep some aspects to yourself because you can’t overshare everything.

With over-sharing and online life, comes being too connected to our devices. I know. It is very hard to not check your phone. But it is extremely frustrating to me when I go to dinner with a group of friends and no one is talking to each other, they are all looking at the comments people are leaving them of the photo we just posted at dinner … instead of enjoying the actual dinner!

I actually love when I travel out of the country and my phone doesn’t work. I use my iPhone as a camera and I don’t even bother getting on the internet or checking who tagged me in a picture. For someone like me who has to stay so connected, it is nice to take a break.

A few ways I do this is by always leaving my phone on silent. My phone doesn’t make a noise for calls or texts, so I just check them and respond when I look at my phone. I just read a study that having separating anxiety from your phone is a real thing, that patients who didn’t have their phone near them but heard an alert going off had a raised heart rate when they couldn’t check them. So avoid this by keeping your phone on silent. This also helps me get a better night sleep because little noises don’t wake me up.

Sometimes I leave my phone at home when I am running errands or when I go to dinner, I will purposely leave it in the car. I used to take all of my friends phones and put them in my purse if I would get really annoyed. I also think being disconnected keeps friendships and relationships fresh. If I text you all day long, what are we going to talk about when I finally see you in person?! I already know you went to the gym, ate a cupcake and saw a funny movie just by seeing your posts or texts.

Anyway this is just a long post to vent and let you know that you shouldn’t compare yourself to the lives of others who you just see online. Being inspired by them in some way is great, but don’t wish to be anyone but yourself. Find some time to disconnect. Connect in real life. Take a break. Delete an app from your phone. Let your phone die. You’ll be ok. I promise.



26 Responses to Online Life vs Real Life & Learning To Disconnect

  1. New reader to your blog and I absolutely love it. I recently came back from a 7 day cruise. I felt great to be disconnected from social media, phone calls, and never ending text messages. It allowed me to come back home refreshed and to make a promise to myself to separate myself from my cell phone more.

  2. I couldn’t agree more! Glad you wrote a post on not being perfect and phones replacing conversations these days….we all know it but its refreshing to hear it and be reminded :)

  3. I appreciate you sharing this info, it is good for girls to know most bloggers manipulate their images to appear perfect, but isn’t that the problem? If you truly believe in being who you are and loving it, why still promote a false image?

  4. This is such an inspirational blog post,I agree with everything you said here, it’s kind of hard to find somebody who’s beautiful from the outside and in. You have taken the words right out of my mouth. Good job.

  5. So true !!! I just came back from a 7 day trip in Central America and one good advice to minimize anxiety is before you leave to a trip just notify to your closed ones that you are going to be offline. In case of an emergency they just can contact the hotel. I feel way more conected with what is suround me after this trip. I even enjoyed more each detail of my trip. Thanks for the post Marianna !

  6. This was a really great post! I was also wondering where you got your outfit from? I absolutely love the black long socks!!!! :D

  7. Love this post!! It’s definitely hard to separate yourself from social media, especially when you’re a blogger. But I will say that I make it a point to keep my phone in my bag while on a date with my boyfriend or my girlfriends! It’s important to be engaged & present in real time. I also rarely ever look half as cute as I do on my insta or blog. Most times I’m in yoga pants & oversized knits with messy hair & no makeup. We cant be our best all the time! It gets too tiring

    xx Fortune

  8. We need more authentic bloggers like you Marianna. You are glam but also real. Thank you for writing this post. I am also a lifestyle blogger and I find it so important to be authentic even do we appreciate style and beauty. Keep up the great work!

  9. Love your blog and style! I was wondering where if that turtle neck sweater dress you’re wearing in the picture from?

    Thanks <3

  10. Loved this and your blog in general. I think a lot of people see the ”perfect’ photo and assume that’s your life, but the reality is so far from the truth. I also agree with disconnecting from your phone or social media regularly. It keeps us in touch with ourselves, people and reality. So thank you! X

  11. I love this blog. It’s so real and authentic. You are such an inspiration and real at that. Thank you so much for writing this!

  12. Yes, truly it is crazy- I see my whole family sits together and nobody is talking- everybody is staring into some kind of device- oh men and I am guilty as well!

  13. I have always wondered- how to bloggers take pictures of themselves on the “go”? Do you travel with a photgorpaher? Ask bystanders? Have a tri-pod? So curious!

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